Monday, September 26, 2011

The Beginning

Magic, Wizardry and Witchcraft have always fascinated me from the time I was 7 years old.  I would actually walk into my Grammar School library looking every day for a new book to read that would encompass the magical world.  There was even a time I would say books were my best friends and by the time I completed Grammar school I had read every single book in the school library that contained those subjects, Fiction, Non Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction and the world of mind powers. My greatest treasure I found at the time was the book "Half Magic" by Edward Eager which showed me a world where children just like me could do incredible things.  I went on to discover Arthurian Legend in the form of the book  "The Once and Future King"  from TS White from that moment on I was hooked to Merlin and anything having to do with him.  It became my lifes aim to read absolutely anything about him and the entire Arthurian Legend.

I had never been a typical little girl playing with dolls and house instead my imaginative play was filled with Witches, witches brews, Genies, and other magical creatures.  I would even get the other children in the neighborhood I played with to join in on my magical games.  My world was never boring whenever I felt that way I would escape into the fantasy world of either books or play.

At the age of 12 I discovered I could write down my stories and fantasy worlds.  From that time I never stopped writing.  I wrote and wrote and wrote never ever showing another human being anything since I had no confidence that anything I wrote was any good.  But I could never stop writing.  It was my secret obsession.

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